October 19, 2010


Week of October 18

You will see the usual homework packet in your child's folder this week: spelling, math, reading, and Sunshine Math. I apologize for a few children's homework not being sent home until today (Tuesday).

I recently purchased math books with the homework already in them. Unfortunately, on the back of each practice page is another review page. This week, I have crossed out the back side of each sheet. Your child is to only complete the side that says "practice page" in the upper right corner. I foresee math homework looking like this for the remainder of the year.

Just a reminder that Sunshine Math is an enrichment program offered at Loretto. It is OPTIONAL, but highly encouraged that your child attempt it.

Week of October 26

Since there is no school on Monday, October 25, we are looking at a shortened school week. I will be doing homework slightly different. You will see a note attached to your child's homework next week explaining the reviewed spelling pattern and some various ways to practice it at home. You will see the usual math homework, but no reading homework.

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