October 25, 2010


The Pizza-Hut corporation is offering their annual Book-it! program to elementary students.
Every month, the children have the opportunity to earn a certificate for a personal pan pizza from pizza hut. They also get to put a sticker on our Book-It! reading chart. I have set the children's goal at 20 books for the first few months of the program. I may raise the goal as I see fit.

The program runs from October through March. I have told the children if they meet their reading goal every month for the six months of the program, I will reward them with a small reading success party.

As parents, all you have to do is:
  1. encourage your child to read nightly

  2. read with your child

  3. make sure books are written in their reading log

For more information visit their website: https://www.bookitprogram.com/

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