October 15, 2010

Books in a Bag

Every child went home today with some "Books in a bag". These will be sent home every Friday as long as your child remembers to return them. A lot of my books would be very difficult to replace, so PLEASE make sure to have them returned. If the books need to be kept for an additional week, I have no problem with that, I just don't want them to be misplaced.
In their "Books in a bag", there is a light green slip of paper that will be replaced every nine-weeks. At this point, all 1st graders should be around a level C. I have listed your child's reading level on this slip so you have an idea of what we're working towards.
Just to reiterate, I am hopeful that these bags will be changed out weekly to add to the books they get from the library on Tuesdays. I appreciate your cooperation in advance for keeping track of these books.

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