Policies and Procedures

Let me welcome you and your child to first grade.  I am so excited to have all of your children in my classroom.  To make this an enjoyable, positive experience for all, I will need your support both at home and at school.  I have briefly outlined my expectations for rituals and routines that will occur throughout the year.  My goal for the year is for your child to become a fluent reader and writer by the end of first grade!


Please read with your child every night.  It is important that this continues on the weekends as well.  Let your child see that reading is fun.  Encourage them to read books to parents, siblings, friends, relatives, and neighbors.  Creating a home library would be a wonderful idea.  A good way to start and continue your collection is by ordering from the Scholastic Book Club.  This will also help earn points for our classroom library, so order as often as possible!  Your child will be asked to read Accelerated reader books and take at least two tests per week.  They will be able to check these books out daily from the library.  More information will be sent home in a few weeks on how this system works.


You may send important notes, lunch money, etc. in this folder.  Keep on the lookout for information from me as well.  Please remember to initial the colored box daily so I know that you have seen the folder.  This colored box will show the citizenship colored earned that day. 


Time: 10:30-11:00                                     
Lunch- $1.90
Students have a picture ID card that will be scanned when they purchase lunch.  If you send money in advance (which his highly recommended), please place this ID number on your check.  This number is located on the inside pocket of your child’s folder.
You are welcome to eat with your child.  Please remember to sign in at the office.  We’ll meet you at the courtyard or lunch line.  Other students may not join you without written permission from their parents (for safety reasons).


Please feel free to bring a treat in for the children when celebrating your child’s birthday.  Please keep this uncomplicated and limit treats to cookies, doughnuts, or ice cream bars.  It would helpful if you could notify me in advance as well.


Assignments will be given on Friday for the week.  Homework will be collected on the following Friday morning.  It is suggested that your child completes one row per night to begin good study habits and responsibility. Please be sure to complete the entire menu.
Read a book every night and complete the daily log as part of the assignment. 
Your child will be tested on spelling every Friday morning.


Sending notes in your child’s folder is a great way to communicate with me.  All calls to the classroom will go directly to voicemail, which I check before school, after lunch, and at the end of the day. 
I also respond to e-mails in the morning or after school.  My e-mail: downinge@duvalschools.org
We have a class webpage that I encourage you to check regularly:

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