October 27, 2011

Second nine-weeks

What a terrific first nine weeks of school!  I feel like we have really fell into a routine.  The children understand the expectations for behavior in the classroom and they all work so hard on assignments. 

During the second nine-weeks of school we will continue to grow in all areas: 

During reading, I will introduce some new skills as well as reinforce and dive deeper into some ones we've already covered.  You can keep up with our skills each week by looking at your child's reading homework.  I also post some different ways to practice these skills on our class website under the "reading" tab.  Your child will be expected to read at a level E by the end of the nine weeks.  You can keep up with their reading level by looking at the bag of books they take home every Tuesday.  Remember this bag is only changed out on Tuesdays after they bring the previous bag back to school. 

I was accepting all books written down on your child's reading log, including books that you read to them.  Starting next week, I would only like books written down that your child read.  It is fine if they need your assistance, but do not write books solely read by an adult.  I would still encourage you to read to your child as this promotes great discussion with books and is a great way for you to model fluency and expression in your reading.

In math, we have introduced the concepts of addition and subtraction and have revisited those concepts multiple times.  I would like students to focus on memorizing doubles to 12 as well as totals of 10.  We will learn strategies to add more quickly.  Knowing doubles and totals of 10 will help aid in these strategies.  The goal this nine weeks is to work with larger numbers and to add and subtract more quickly.

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