October 4, 2011

Just Right Bag of Books

Every Tuesday your child will have the opportunity to take home a bag of books on their level.  We started this process today.  Every child has a borrowed bag of books from me.  Please spend some time reading these books over the next week.  Next Tuesday, October 11, your child can exchange these books for some new books to bring home. 

Their level will change periodically throughout the year.  I will read with them periodically to make sure their book level really is JUST RIGHT.  Please be sure to include these books on your child's reading log.

It is important that books be exchanged on Tuesdays only.  I have a system for checking out these books from our classroom library and I have a parent that is handling the process of check out.  She is here only on Tuesdays.  Thank you for your help in remembering to send them back on Tuesdays.

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