September 11, 2015

Sunshine Math

This will be the first week that you will see a yellow Sunshine Math paper attached to your child's homework.  It is attached so that it is returned on Friday with the other homework.

I want to remind you this is a completely optional enrichment program offered by our school PTA.  I HIGHLY encourage each child to attempt every sheet.  If that means only completing 1-2 problems, then at least they tried!  Students will receive credit for every sheet they turn in whether the answers are correct or not.  At the end of the year students who attempted the majority of the sheets will get to attend a Sunshine Math party.

You as parents are not to help your child with this work.  You may read to them and provide them materials to help count or keep track of their work, but you do not need to guide them to an answer.  If you feel like they are frustrated have them take a break or move on altogether.  A parent volunteer will be in on a regular basis to go over the sheets with the kids.

One more request... if you could sign the white sheet in front of the sheet this week.  It's an agreement that you will not assist your child with these sheets and you're on board with them participating in the program.

Let me know if you have more questions!

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