April 12, 2013

Sunshine Math

First of all a HUGE thank you to our Sunshine Math parent volunteer, Debbie Atkins for being so dedicated to the program this year.  She graded sheets, kept track of points and came in bi-weekly to go over problems on the sheets with the children. 

Students who attained a pre-determined number of points were invited to a competition between other students on the grade level.  After an initial tie, the winner was chosen.  Congratulations to Alan from our class!  He will go on to compete in a district level competition and be recognized at the May PTA meeting.

Students who have completed the majority of the papers will be invited to a party to reward them for their hard work.  The date is TBD.  It will be during school hours here at Loretto.

Next week will be the last week of Sunshine Math papers. 

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