October 23, 2012

Books in a Bag

Starting on Wednesday, I will be sending home books in a bag that are just right for your child.  In the Ziploc bag you will find a note detailing the program as well as what level your child is currently reading on.  This level will change throughout the year as I read periodically with him or her.

Your child will have the opportunity to change out these books on WEDNESDAYS when my parent volunteer is in the room.  Please be sure to record the books that your child reads in their reading log so I know that they are ready to have a new bag of books. If your child does not bring the bag of books on Wednesday, they will have to wait until the following Wednesday since I'm pretty reliant on the parent volunteer to do the exchanging.

You may find the books are "too easy" for your child. Please take the opportunity to practice reading skills with the independently read books.  You can discuss the following skills:
  • Sequencing the story (first, next, then, last)
  • Story Structure (character, setting, problem, solution)
  • Real and Fantasy
  • Compare and Contrast (how are things the same/different)
  • Predicting
  • Cause and Effect (here's what happened, why did that happen?)
Occasionally students get "stuck" at a level because they are lacking in areas other than calling out the words.  They may need more help with comprehension or fluency.  These books are all wonderful for practicing these important components of reading.

Many of these books are irreplaceable, so please keep track of them and treat them kindly. 

Questions?  Be sure to contact me!

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