October 26, 2012

Attendance Reminders

As per Duval County School Board and Florida Statutes:

Acceptable written explanations for absences:

  • Illness or injury of student
  • Serious illness or death in the student’s family
  • Inclement weather
  • Official religious holiday

Early check outs is defined as signing out a child before the end of the school day.

We will not release students after 2:30 pm or 1:15 on early release days.

3 tardies or 3 early check outs within 30 days – parents will receive written notice. Additional tardies or early checkouts will result in a mandatory parent conference with the guidance counselor and/or principal.

Students will not be recognized by the school for perfect attendance if they have more than 3 unexcused tardies or 3 or more early check-outs.

Six unexcused tardies or six early check outs or five unexcused absences in any 45 day grading period will result in a referral to the Attendance Intervention Team and possibly to the State Attorney’s Office.

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