September 19, 2012

Sunshine Math

Each week you will find a pink Sunshine Math paper stapled to the back of your child's homework packet.  Papers will go home Monday and be collected on Friday.

A purple permission form went home Monday explaining this enrichment program.  Although the papers are optional and not at all for a grade, I highly encourage the children to attempt some, if not all of the problems on the paper.  Each problem is worth a certain number of stars based on the level of difficulty.  If your child gets part of a problem correct, they may end up earning partial credit for it.

Our volunteer parent will check through papers weekly and come to go over specific problems bi-weekly.  Students who turn in the majority of the papers will be rewarded with a party at the end of the year.  This has nothing to do with whether or not the problems are correct, just the fact that they attempted some of them.  Students reaching a certain number of stars will get to participate in a math competition with other 1st grade students.  The winner will then get to go onto a district competition representing our school.

It may be tempting to help your frustrated child, but it's very important that the children complete the sheet on their own.  Many of the problems contain subject matter we haven't covered and may not even get to.  As I mentioned above, this is an enrichment program meant to challenge those who need challenging.  If your child doesn't understand something, have them "try their best" and the volunteer parent will discuss problems at school.

Contact me with further questions.

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