September 8, 2012

Accelerated Reader

Last week your child took the STAR test in the computer lab.  This is a fill-in-the-blank test to help in determining your child's reading level.  I use this in combination with my classroom assessments to determine which books would be best for your child to check out of the library.

Your child's folder contains three different color papers with information pertaining to the STAR test (yellow paper), Accelerated Reader (AR) program (green), and Renaissance Place (salmon color).

The yellow paper has the results of the STAR test in comparison with their peers.  I will use the information to help determine which color dots they can check out from the library.  Refer to the back of the green AR paper for a list of the colors.

Accelerated Reader is a program to help build children's comprehension.  They read a book and then come to school to take a test to determine how well they read and understood the story.  Tests are usually 5-10 questions in length.  The goal is for students to score an 80% or better.  Upon doing so, they can fill out a slip which is entered into a raffle-style drawing.  The drawing takes place every Friday on our school's morning news show.  One child's name from each grade level is drawn.  Winners receive a book choice from the library. They also accumulate points for tests they do well on.  These points can be used at a PTA-run store 2-3 times per year.  Taking AR tests is highly encouraged in my classroom!  I would also encourage children to read the story more than once so they are prepared to answer questions on the story.  I will have parent volunteers in the classroom to help with testing.

You can keep track of your child's progress on tests one of two ways.  I (or another adult) will write your child's score on their reading log which is to be kept in their folder.  You will see a column on their reading log labeled "AR score".  You can also sign-up to receive scores through the Renaissance Place program.  The salmon color paper details how you can do this.

Many books are part of the AR program, so please continue to write down all books read at home.  I will help in determining whether their is a test available.  I LOVE that the kids are reading, so whether or not it's an AR book is a minimal concern right now.  READ, READ, READ!

Contact me with any questions you have about the program or your child's progress.

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