September 29, 2012


It is important that you have your volunteer card current if you plan on doing things with our classroom.  I mention this with special attention to our upcoming field trip at the end of October.  Parents who do not have a current volunteer card will not be able to attend.

Click on this link to register to be a volunteer in Duval County:

Once you register, your card is good for 2 years before you need to renew it.  So, if you were new to Loretto last year and recently applied to be a volunteer, then you probably have a current card.

The link I posted has additional information to questions you might have. 

September 28, 2012

Picture Day!

What a great looking class!

posted from Bloggeroid

September 24, 2012

Spelling Test

You may have noticed a slight difference in the graded spelling tests that went home this week. 

In addition to the 10 words that fit your child's weekly spelling pattern, I will also dictate a sentence they need to write down. 

The sentence is carefully selected and composed of words that fit their weekly pattern, previous patterns, and sight words.  I will also be looking to see that their sentence begins with a capital letter and ends with a period.  The first few weeks, I will do plenty of reminding when it comes time to write the sentence, but slowly I will take away the prompts to see that they are doing this on their own.

The sentence will be a part of their final score.  Most weeks, the test will be worth a total of 20 points.

Box Tops

Our first submission date for Box Tops is the beginning of November so the coordinator is asking for all box tops to be turned in by Friday October the 19th so she may get them all counted and sorted.
See full size image

The top collecting class on each grade level will earn an ice cream party.
Top earning classes will be mentioned in the Loretto newsletter.

We will have another submission date in the spring and another chance to earn an ice cream party for our class. Please make sure when you turn in the box tops that you include my name and your child's name on the bag. At the end of the year, if there is enough money in the budget, gift cards will be purchased for top earning students.

September 21, 2012

Class Shirts

Class T-shirts (different from Loretto shirts) are being sold for $5.  We will be wearing these shirts to field trips, play day, and other special events.  Order forms were passed out at Open House.  Please turn in form and CASH payment by THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4.

Progress Reports

Can you believe it's already half way through the first nine-weeks of school?  Time is really flying!

Progress Reports were sent home on Wednesday to let you know how your child is doing mid-year. Please sign and return as soon as possible so I know you are aware of your child's grades at this point.  If you would like a copy of the report, please let me know and I will send an additional copy home.

If you have questions or concerns, send me an e-mail or we can set up a conference to discuss.

September 19, 2012

August/September Character Student

Every month the children will learn about a different character trait.  I will select one student who exemplifies the trait by the end of the month.

The months of August and September were combined.  Throughout the month we practiced responsibility and respect. 

Our character student this month is BEN!

Ben shows his responsibility by taking care of all of his school supplies, using classroom materials properly, and remembering his folder every day.  I can depend on him to run errands around school. Ben is extremely respectful to teachers and other adults around school.  He is also respectful to his peers.  When another child is reading their story and having their turn to speak, he is always an attentive listener.

Ben sets such a nice example for other students.  We are so lucky to have him as a part of our classroom!

Sunshine Math

Each week you will find a pink Sunshine Math paper stapled to the back of your child's homework packet.  Papers will go home Monday and be collected on Friday.

A purple permission form went home Monday explaining this enrichment program.  Although the papers are optional and not at all for a grade, I highly encourage the children to attempt some, if not all of the problems on the paper.  Each problem is worth a certain number of stars based on the level of difficulty.  If your child gets part of a problem correct, they may end up earning partial credit for it.

Our volunteer parent will check through papers weekly and come to go over specific problems bi-weekly.  Students who turn in the majority of the papers will be rewarded with a party at the end of the year.  This has nothing to do with whether or not the problems are correct, just the fact that they attempted some of them.  Students reaching a certain number of stars will get to participate in a math competition with other 1st grade students.  The winner will then get to go onto a district competition representing our school.

It may be tempting to help your frustrated child, but it's very important that the children complete the sheet on their own.  Many of the problems contain subject matter we haven't covered and may not even get to.  As I mentioned above, this is an enrichment program meant to challenge those who need challenging.  If your child doesn't understand something, have them "try their best" and the volunteer parent will discuss problems at school.

Contact me with further questions.

September 12, 2012

AR Book Finder

A parent recently informed me about a website to help with determining if the book is AR.  It is also really beneficial for searching for a specific reading level.

Here is the link for AR BookFinder.

The “Quick Search” tab can be used for obtaining book levels.

Use “Advanced Search” to look at a variety of books by level and/or genre.

I will post this link under our "Useful Links" section as well.

September 10, 2012

Spelling Homework (week of 9-10)

This week's homework consists of a spelling paper, math paper, and reading paper (stapled in that order).

The only new thing is spelling this week.  In your child's folder you will find a purple paper detailing how I determined your child's spelling list.  An assessment was given and I found what spelling pattern needed to be worked on. 

On the front of the spelling are 10 words your child will practice.  They fit a pattern (i.e.: all short a words).  There are 4 activities for your child to practice on the sheet, including a practice spelling test on the bottom of the back page.  I suggest that your child does one activity per night.

Spelling tests are given on Fridays.  They will be asked to spell 5 of the words from the homework as well as 5 new words that fit the same spelling pattern they've been practicing. I have found this is the best way to assess whether they REALLY understand the spelling pattern.  In addition to homework, your child will be working with that spelling pattern in class during centers and sometimes whole group. 

As always, homework is due on Fridays.

September 8, 2012

Accelerated Reader

Last week your child took the STAR test in the computer lab.  This is a fill-in-the-blank test to help in determining your child's reading level.  I use this in combination with my classroom assessments to determine which books would be best for your child to check out of the library.

Your child's folder contains three different color papers with information pertaining to the STAR test (yellow paper), Accelerated Reader (AR) program (green), and Renaissance Place (salmon color).

The yellow paper has the results of the STAR test in comparison with their peers.  I will use the information to help determine which color dots they can check out from the library.  Refer to the back of the green AR paper for a list of the colors.

Accelerated Reader is a program to help build children's comprehension.  They read a book and then come to school to take a test to determine how well they read and understood the story.  Tests are usually 5-10 questions in length.  The goal is for students to score an 80% or better.  Upon doing so, they can fill out a slip which is entered into a raffle-style drawing.  The drawing takes place every Friday on our school's morning news show.  One child's name from each grade level is drawn.  Winners receive a book choice from the library. They also accumulate points for tests they do well on.  These points can be used at a PTA-run store 2-3 times per year.  Taking AR tests is highly encouraged in my classroom!  I would also encourage children to read the story more than once so they are prepared to answer questions on the story.  I will have parent volunteers in the classroom to help with testing.

You can keep track of your child's progress on tests one of two ways.  I (or another adult) will write your child's score on their reading log which is to be kept in their folder.  You will see a column on their reading log labeled "AR score".  You can also sign-up to receive scores through the Renaissance Place program.  The salmon color paper details how you can do this.

Many books are part of the AR program, so please continue to write down all books read at home.  I will help in determining whether their is a test available.  I LOVE that the kids are reading, so whether or not it's an AR book is a minimal concern right now.  READ, READ, READ!

Contact me with any questions you have about the program or your child's progress.

September 5, 2012

Safe Snacks

2012 Safe Snack Guide

Please reference the above link when purchasing class-wide snacks for our class.  


Students must wear sneakers on PE days.  Due to an error on my part, we had PE on Tuesday and many of the children were not wearing appropriate shoes. 

Coach informed me that he has posted the schedule on his website.  I have included a link.  If you're every unsure about PE days, go to his site to see if we are on his schedule!

Literacy Centers

The children are learning how to do literacy centers during Reader's Workshop this week. 
You may have seen a plastic baggie with various pieces cut out.  This was for our sort.  Ask your child about the two different ways they sorted them.  Each week, your child will do a word/picture sort that goes along with our phonics sound for the week or their spelling pattern.

I will also be introducing these centers:
  • Read/Write the Room
  • Partner Reading
  • Listening
  • Making Words
  • Smart Board
  • Computers
  • Book Browsing
Ask your child which is their favorite!