November 30, 2011

AR store

Students have been taking AR tests to go along with many of the books in their reading log.  You will see their score written down on their reading log.  Books that are checked out from the library are almost always eligible for a test. 

These tests test your child's comprehension on the book they read.  The tests are 5-10 questions long.  A score of 80% or better is considered to be adequate comprehension.  More points are earned the better they do on the tests.

We will be going to the AR store on Tuesday, December 6 around 2:10 in the afternoon.  Students will be able to purchase small items using their points.

If you are able to volunteer at any time during the store, please sign up using the information that was provided in an e-mail sent by me.  I'd be happy to resend if you need me to.

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