November 30, 2011


We've been working with patterns over the last few weeks. Steven made a growing pattern that just kept growing!

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AR store

Students have been taking AR tests to go along with many of the books in their reading log.  You will see their score written down on their reading log.  Books that are checked out from the library are almost always eligible for a test. 

These tests test your child's comprehension on the book they read.  The tests are 5-10 questions long.  A score of 80% or better is considered to be adequate comprehension.  More points are earned the better they do on the tests.

We will be going to the AR store on Tuesday, December 6 around 2:10 in the afternoon.  Students will be able to purchase small items using their points.

If you are able to volunteer at any time during the store, please sign up using the information that was provided in an e-mail sent by me.  I'd be happy to resend if you need me to.


Our December Book-It reading goal will be 25 books.  A lot of reading can be done over break, so I've set the goal a little higher than last month.  I will distribute certificates when we come back to school in January.

Santa Sacks

Throughout the month of December, I am offering a little more incentive for your child to stay on green for good behavior.  Each child had the opportunity to design their own "Santa Sack" to hang around the classroom.  Each day they are green throughout the month, they will get a little prize in their sack.  Sacks will be given out on the day before we leave for break (Friday, December 16).

If you would like to help contribute to our sacks, your help would be greatly appreciated.  I have plenty of pencils and erasers, but could use some other small, inexpensive prizes.  If your out and about and see something relatively inexpensive in a set of 16-18, I would be grateful for the help.  If you would like to send in a candy treat, contact me and I will let you know what I'm in need of.

November 23, 2011

Progress Reports

Progress Reports will go home on Tuesday, November 29.  Please sign and return by the end of the week.

As always, e-mail me with questions or concerns.  I'd be happy to schedule a conference to discuss your child's progress in detail at any point throughout the year.

November 18, 2011

New Writing

We published our narrative pieces last week and have moved onto a new genre, PERSUASIVE!

The children are learning what an opinion is and how to support it.  We are following a simple format when doing our writing:

Explain (or Example)
Opinion re-stated

We have already made a list of things we like and don't like so that the kids can easily draw from different ideas.  We will be discussing how to best choose a topic and how to better support our opinions.

Practice at home.  Next time your child asks for something, have them give you reasons and examples why they should have it.

We will working with this genre through December.

Class Trip

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November 16, 2011


Our student council is sponsoring a toy drive in partnership with the Salvation Army.  Each class has been given two stockings to fill this holiday season for a boy or girl in need of toys.  Our class is responsible for one boy and one girl, each between the ages of 7-10. 

Recommended items include (but are not limited to):
silly bands, hand-held games, action figures, craft kits, trading cards, card games, stickers, earrings, etc..

They asked that you NOT wrap gifts, include perishable items, or include used items. 

Stockings are due December 6, so while you're doing your black Friday shopping, pick up a little something extra for a child in need :)

November 9, 2011

Scholastic Book Club

It's that time again!  Book club order forms went home on MONDAY(*edited) and are due Friday, November 18.
I've attached a letter with all of the directions for submitting your payment online.  Not only is this a convenient way to place your order, but we receive free books for every online order placed.

It may seem early, but this would be a great time to order for the holiday season.  Order for your child, siblings, cousins, etc...  There are some GREAT deals you won't want to pass up.  Every dollar spent earns our classroom points that can be used for books and other classroom resources.

Thanks for your support!

November 7, 2011


I'm so proud of all of the students who made their Book-it reading goal for October.  The goal was 25 books for the month.  I attached a personal pan pizza certificate to their November calendar at the beginning of the month.  They also got recognized in class and they were able to put a sticker on our special Book-it reading chart. 

The goal for November is going to be 20 books.  Remember to keep reading even when we are off of school.  There are many holiday and weather day breaks in November, but that doesn't mean your child should be taking a reading vacation :)