September 13, 2011

Super Six

This is a term created by the county. Each month DCPS would like individual schools to focus on a particular reading strategy. In first grade, I will teach and practice one strategy per week that pertains to the curriculum. I plan on incorporating the monthly district-wide strategies as well. You can also practice these throughout the month at home when you read with your child.

This months strategy is MAKING CONNECTIONS. After reading a book together ask your child what it reminded them of:
A text-to-self connection would be something that happened to them. This is the most common response for a first grader.
A text-to-text connection is when it reminds them of another book.
A text-to-world connection is when it reminds them of something they heard about or saw on TV or in a movie.

We will be writing about books and making connections throughout the year. Getting your child to verbally explain their connection is the first step. Later, I will require them to write about their connections.

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