September 13, 2011

Accelerated Reader (AR)

You may have noticed some new numbers on the front of your child's folder.  This is their AR password.  I will be sending home a letter on Friday explaining the AR program here at school.  Basically, students take comprehension tests with 5-10 questions about a book they have read.  Students can earn points to later be used at our PTA-run AR store.  They also have the opportunity to be entered into a weekly drawing to earn a free book every time they do well on a test.  The more tests you take, the more points and chances in the drawing.  I have two student helpers that will be assisting with tests in the morning.  By the end of the year, students will take tests independently. 

If you still have questions about this program, please read the letter in your child's folder on Friday and let me know!

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