January 19, 2011

Field Trip

We will be going to The Museum of Science and History (MOSH) on Monday, March 14.
We will be leaving at 8:45 and returning by 1:30. The cost is $10.50 and includes admission in the museum and transportation.
I am limited to 2 chaperones. The cost for chaperones is $7 at the door. Please let me know on your child's permission form if you are interested in attending with us. I will pick two names at random to go. If you've already been on one with us this year, I ask that you give another parent a chance to go.
Permission forms will be going home with your child over the weekend. Money and forms are due no later than Monday, February 7.
We will be eating at a nearby park, so it's important that you pack your child's lunch that day.

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