January 26, 2011

100th Day

The 100th day of school is on Thursday, February 3rd. We will be doing lots of fun and exciting reading, writing, and math activities to go along with the number 100.

As a substitution for math homework, your child will be asked to create a project using 100 items. I've had a variety of projects come in over the years ranging from 100 things drawn on paper to a 100 piece sculpture. I'm always amazed with the children's creativity. If you find your child is stuck and needs suggestions, please contact me and I would be glad to help.
I expect all projects to be brought to school on Thursday, Feb. 3. Due to lack of space, I cannot accept the projects early. The children will each have an opportunity to share their masterpiece!

We will also be enjoying a 100 day snack with your help! I would like for each child to bring at least 100 of one small food item. Suggestion include: cheerios, raisins, small crackers, M&Ms, skittles, small cereal pieces, etc... It's not necessary to count out the items if you would be willing to send the entire bag or box. Just make sure it contains at least 100 of the item.

If you would like to send your snack item early, I would be happy to begin our collection.
Thank you for your cooperation!

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