October 20, 2016

Boosterthon Rally Details

There will be a Rally Incentive Day on Friday, December 2nd that will include:

Individual incentives:
11:30-12:15 - *10 pledge per lap - Pizza Party with Ms. Kemp (Principal) and name put into a drawing to become principal or assistant principal for a day - 3 drawings available (1 principal, 2 assistant principals)
11:00am - *$15 pledge per lap - Behind the scenes tour of the school, movie premiere, and name put in a second time for PFTD & APFTD
During incentive Rally at 2:00pm - *$20 pledge per lap - Slime Mr. Kabrich or Mr. Welser + name in drawing again for PFTD & APFTD

Class Incentives:
The top class will join PTA to begin the makeover at 1:30pm then escort her out to the backfield for the Rally - *PRINCIPAL CHALLENGE - For the top class in the school - they will get to give Ms. Kemp a makeover with "not so normal" props and she will walk the Red Carpet at the Incentive Rally on the back field.
During incentive Rally beginning at 2:00pm - *Every class with a total of $60 per lap or earned from the double up challenge - Highest pledger in class will get to pie the teacher in the face (or designated staff member)

During your class lunch time on a different day (I will email those classes) so it does not interfere with those joining a pizza party lunch already. - Pizza Party to every class who doubled up or hit the $75 per lap mark.

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