November 6, 2016

Digraph OO

We learned about the two sounds that OO can make on Thursday. We made some lOOking glasses with OO words to remember the two sounds.

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October 20, 2016

Boosterthon Rally Details

There will be a Rally Incentive Day on Friday, December 2nd that will include:

Individual incentives:
11:30-12:15 - *10 pledge per lap - Pizza Party with Ms. Kemp (Principal) and name put into a drawing to become principal or assistant principal for a day - 3 drawings available (1 principal, 2 assistant principals)
11:00am - *$15 pledge per lap - Behind the scenes tour of the school, movie premiere, and name put in a second time for PFTD & APFTD
During incentive Rally at 2:00pm - *$20 pledge per lap - Slime Mr. Kabrich or Mr. Welser + name in drawing again for PFTD & APFTD

Class Incentives:
The top class will join PTA to begin the makeover at 1:30pm then escort her out to the backfield for the Rally - *PRINCIPAL CHALLENGE - For the top class in the school - they will get to give Ms. Kemp a makeover with "not so normal" props and she will walk the Red Carpet at the Incentive Rally on the back field.
During incentive Rally beginning at 2:00pm - *Every class with a total of $60 per lap or earned from the double up challenge - Highest pledger in class will get to pie the teacher in the face (or designated staff member)

During your class lunch time on a different day (I will email those classes) so it does not interfere with those joining a pizza party lunch already. - Pizza Party to every class who doubled up or hit the $75 per lap mark.

October 13, 2016

October 4, 2016

Boosterthon Incentives


$5 per lap- name added to the walk of fame in the main hallway
$10 per lap- Pizza party with Ms. Kemp and name put into a drawing to become principal or assistant principal for a day
$15 per lap- Behind the scenes tour of the school, movie premiere, and name put in a second time for principal for a day
$20 per lap- Slime Mr. Kabrich, Mr. Welser, or Coach and name in principal for a day drawing

**These incentives are in addition to the Boosterthon prizes mentioned in the pledge book


I will be posting a picture of our "pledge-o-meter" with different class incentives.  Additionally, the PTA is offering these class incentives:

1) The top class in the school will give Ms. Kemp a CRAZY makeover
2) Every class with $60 per lap will allow the highest pledger to pie the teacher (YIKES!)
3) Every class with a total of $75 per lap will win a pizza party

The top class in grade K-2 will get a silly string run on the day of the run.

Teachers get 10% back from everything collected when pledging is done.  That's money directly helping our classroom!

Thank you in advance for whatever support you are able to provide.  Don't forget to register!

Boosterrhon pep rally

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September 26, 2016

Guest Speaker

Today we had a pediatrician come to our class to speak to the kids. She reviewed different body systems and 5 key ways to stay healthy. Dr. France also happens to be a parent in our room. Thank you for coming in today Dr. France!

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Vision screening

We had our vision screening past week. Students also checked out books from.the library and read them while we waited for everyone.

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September 12, 2016

Scientific Method

We learned about the steps in the scientific method last week. Students were able to execute their experiments and share their results with each other. The question was :"how tall can I stack cups before the tower falls over?". I loved seeing their different methods.

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August 25, 2016

Center work

Students practiced sorting pictures based on rhymes while other students browsed through book baskets.

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Sweet moment

At the end of one particular day students could look through one of my book baskets. I found Lucy reading to Olivia and Tony and loved how she kept their attention!

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Playing Compare

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Exploring math materials

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August 22, 2016

First Week

We had an amazing first week of school.  The children are well on their way to learning the rituals and routines of the classroom.  I feel so fortunate to have such a great group of students to work with.  Phonics homework begins today (the 22nd) and continue to read nightly with your child.
Hoping to post a few pictures soon from last week!

May 24, 2016

Guest Reader

Guest Reader Day

We had several guest readers today including two students from Mandarin High.

May 23, 2016

Reading Celebration

Today we decorated doors to teach about our country. Ours is Australia.

May 4, 2016

Teacher Appreciation

Feeling so loved this week! Thank you for the cards, candy, meals, snacks, flowers, and more! Couldn't resist sharing my new flag that will be hanging on our garden.

March 10, 2016

JEA program

On e of our classmates, Caden, got to go on stage!

JEA program

We attended an entertaining program sponsored by JEA where students learned about the three R's: reduce reuse and recycle.

January 31, 2016

I-ready testing

Luke and Zane were our top growth earners in reading while Abby made the highest score. So proud of these kids!

January 22, 2016


We recently learned there are 8 planets in our solar system. The children learned their names, facts about each one, and the order they are in working your way out from the sun.
The kids also got to write about which planet they would want to visit. We have been working on stating our opinions along with two reasons. I was so impressed with their reasons for visiting a variety of the planets.

Aspiring Astronauts

We learned about the race to get a man on the moon. The students learned this was accomplished on the Apollo 11 mission and even heard Neil Armstrong's famous words: "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind".
Afterwards children were able to try "astronaut ice cream" while they filled at an application to become an astronaut.
My favorite response to the question " Why do you think you would make a good astronaut?" Was "beacause I would bring some good information back".