October 12, 2015

Character Students

This post is a bit late, but better late than never!
Each month we spotlight a different character trait.  At the end of the month I choose a student who has really exemplified that trait.

August's character trait was RESPONSIBILITY.  The character student of the month was BRIANNA.  I can trust Brianna to go on errands around the school and know that she will be showing off her stellar citizenship.  Brianna's responsibility is also shown by always remembering every item she needs for class (backpack, folder, snack, etc...).  I am so proud of  Brianna!

September's character trait was RESPECT.  AJ is one of the most polite students and therefore is our character student for that month.  He always looks me in the eye when I speak to him and uses a respectful tone of voice.  He also is very respectful of his peers, from personal space to personal items.  AJ is a wonderful classroom citizen!

The character trait for OCTOBER is COOPERATION.

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