October 19, 2015

Field Trip

We will be taking a field trip to Sweet Pete's on Tuesday, November 10.
Chaperones ARE limited, so please let me know as soon as you can and I will hold a drawing for two that can attend.  Make sure your volunteer background check is current with the county.

The cost of the trip is $12.  Money is due by Thursday, October 29

October 14, 2015

i-ready mini test

Approximately once a month your child will be taking a growth monitoring test on i-ready.  I will refer to this as a "mini test" because it's a much shorter test than the original diagnostic, but it lets me know how your child is progressing.  When logged into i-ready your child will typically see a red button allowing them to start or continue a lesson.  This button will change to green when a growth monitoring test has been assigned to them.  I would prefer that this test NOT be taken at home.  Taking the test in class will allow me to get the most accurate results.  As is the case this go around, there is only one mini test given at a time so your child can continue with lessons in the other subject if they are presented with this issue at home.  Currently the test has been assigned only for reading and MOST of the children have completed it.  If you find a green button on your child's screen, ask them to switch to math for the night.

I will do my best to alert you to a possible mini test in the future (with more NOTICE!).  Thank you for all of your support and fidelity in using this program at home!  There is a bulletin board in the  main hallway displaying the class usage for i-ready math and reading for all grade levels.  We are one of the top 1st grade classes!  I hope to continue to see our bar rise and possibly even have one of our student's names as the STAR for the grade level.  I have begun recognizing students at the end of the week for the number of lessons they completed.  Keep up the good work!

October 12, 2015

Book-It reading program

Image result for book it

Our class will be participating in the Pizza Hut Book-It reading program.  Here's how it works:

1. Every month I will set a goal for the number of books that your child must have on their reading log (OCT the goal is 25 books)

2. If they meet the goal by the end of the month (I'll keep track), they get a special sticker on a Book-It reading chart.  They also receive a coupon for a free personal pan pizza.

3. If they meet their goal every month from Oct-Apr they get to participate in a pizza party with me!

You'll begin to see a smaller number on the left-hand side of your child's reading log indicating their monthly total (versus their ongoing total).  We aren't even half way through the month yet, so still lots of time to read to your child and of course have them READ!

Character Students

This post is a bit late, but better late than never!
Each month we spotlight a different character trait.  At the end of the month I choose a student who has really exemplified that trait.

August's character trait was RESPONSIBILITY.  The character student of the month was BRIANNA.  I can trust Brianna to go on errands around the school and know that she will be showing off her stellar citizenship.  Brianna's responsibility is also shown by always remembering every item she needs for class (backpack, folder, snack, etc...).  I am so proud of  Brianna!

September's character trait was RESPECT.  AJ is one of the most polite students and therefore is our character student for that month.  He always looks me in the eye when I speak to him and uses a respectful tone of voice.  He also is very respectful of his peers, from personal space to personal items.  AJ is a wonderful classroom citizen!

The character trait for OCTOBER is COOPERATION.

October 6, 2015


Wisdom the owl visited our class today!

October 5, 2015

Boosterthon Update

I checked out our class totals this morning and it looks like we hit our next goal of $15 a lap!!!
Thank you so much for everyone's support.
We will enjoy our silly sock day in conjunction with our movie and popcorn day on Thursday, October 8.  This is also the day of Boosterthon.  We've been encouraged to wear a class color so it's easy to spot our little runners.  I will be speaking with my grade level tomorrow morning and informing you of our class color then.
Keep those pledges coming!