September 9, 2014

Sunshine Math

Sunshine Math is a volunteer-led program consisting of 20 math worksheets with grade-level appropriate problems of varying complexity.  The program is optional, but are typically rewarded for attempting the problems (right or wrong).  Students and parents are asked to read and sign an information form stating that worksheets should be completed by the student without assistance (except for younger students who may need help reading the problems).    

Each math problem is assigned one to four stars, depending in its difficulty. Classroom volunteers grade the worksheets, review them in class with the students, and track the number of worksheets completed and stars earned.  Students who attempt at least 15 worksheets throughout the school year will be invited to attend a special event.  Those who earn a certain number of stars are eligible to compete against other students in the same grade in a Sunshine Math contest, with first, second and third place winners in each grade receiving trophies.  First place winners represent Loretto in district-wide competition.

While not intended to replace any aspect of the standard math curriculum, Sunshine Math provides an opportunity for students to be rewarded for their extra efforts.

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