August 29, 2014

Library check out

Students were able to check out books for the first time today.  Every child should have come home with a library book today. 

We will have library CLASS once a month.  This happened to be our very first one.  Children can check out books at this time.  Our usually scheduled check out time will be on Mondays from 10:10-10:20.  This will not be a class, but just a quick check out.  I ask that books are returned by Monday morning every week so your child can get another book for the week. 

**This coming week we will make up our time another day since we are off of school.

Right now, children can pick just about any book they want.  That means it may not be on their independent reading level.  Please utilize these books to read aloud to your child and practice some of the skills we are working on in class (see the back of the homework each week for ideas).  As I finish my assessments and get to know your child better, they will be asked to only check out certain kinds of books using a color dot system that's in place in the library.  This will help ensure that the book is closer to their level. 

All of this leads me to program we have at our school called Accelerated Reader (AR).  You may have seen a column on their reading log talking about the AR level.  I will send a detailed note home about this when we are ready to begin this program.

Feel free to e-mail me with questions or we can discuss at Open House on the 18th!!

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