May 21, 2014

Last week of School

Monday- Book Report Character Day and Book Swap
-Details in note on other side.

Tuesday- Game and Book Signing Day
-Bring your favorite game from home (no batteries or lots of small pieces).  We’ll also be signing yearbooks or other items the children bring.

Wednesday- Beach Day
-Bring a towel, sunglasses, and sand toys so we can play at “Loretto Beach”.  No bathing suits please!

Thursday- PJ and stuffed animal day!
- Dress in comfortable clothing for a reading marathon.  Keep dress code in mind (i.e.: no slippers), but students may wear pajama-type clothes!  Bring your favorite stuffed animal or doll to read to!
*Bring a lunch from home, otherwise bagged lunches will be available for purchase in cafeteria.

Friday- Breakfast, clean-up and early release
-We’ll be enjoying doughnuts and juice as we clean up the room for summer.  School will be dismissed at 12 noon.  Remember there is no Extended Day.
*Bring an extra snack from home to enjoy

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