August 22, 2013

Reading Logs

I'm asking that you TRY to read with your child nightly.  That could be you reading to them or they could read to you.  These books should be written in your child's reading log (located in their folder).  YES! Even books you read to them should be written down.

I will reward students for these books during the first nine-weeks of school.  After that, students will be doing more reading on their own and I would like for only books THEY read to be recorded.  I will be sure to post a note and send an e-mail when it's time to stop writing books you read to them.

I'm already seeing a great flow of books on logs.  Let's try to keep that up all year.  First grade is a HUGE grade for reading growth.  Typically they come in around a level C and leave at a level I.  That's a jump of approximately 6 levels!  Other grades see a jump of only 3-4 levels in comparison.

I will keep you informed on the skill we are practicing in class so that you can be sure to discuss this while reading books.  For the next 3 weeks we will be working on QUESTIONING.  This is a huge topic to cover, but for the most part, students should be able to answer Who, What, When, Where, and Why questions about stories.  Examples include: "What happened after...?", "Where did the story take place?", "What was the problem in the story?"

Please feel free to e-mail me with your own questions about how you can help improve your child's reading ability.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Mrs Cushnir!
    Do they have to read books that are within their AR level only? Would you know what level Matthew is in? I also know that there's a website where we can see lists of books within each level. Would you know what the website is? Thanks for all your updates. Really appreciate it.
    Happy weekend!
