March 18, 2011


You've received plenty of notes about the quiet time taking place during the weeks of FCAT (Apr 11-20). I'm sure there will be more to come. I wanted to take some time to mention our part in helping the older children take such a intimidating test.

We are paired up with Mrs. Riley's 3rd class. We will be their "FCAT buddy" during this testing period. I think it would be fun to do something supportive and encouraging for them every day of testing.

I will need your help with donating items and maybe even coming up with some cute slogans to send their way. Some ideas I've used in the past include:

"Stay COOL through testing."- send peppermints

"You're a smart COOKIE"- send a small bag of cookies to enjoy afterward

"Be a STAR and BURST through the test!"- Send some starburst candies

"You're SHARP!"- send cute pencils

I would love some input from my creative parents out there! If you think of something cute, e-mail me your thoughts.
I also like to end the week with Popsicles that both our class and Mrs. Riley's class will enjoy together.

If you have a neat idea or would be able to help out in some way, please let me know. I'll be finalizing things after break.

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