March 25, 2011
Free breakfast!!
McDonalds will be offering FREE breakfast to students on Monday, April 11 from 6 to 8:30 a.m. in preparation for the FCAT. The offer includes an egg mcmuffin, apple dippers and a milk or small orange juice. No substitutions. In store offer only while supplies last. Students under 15 must be accompanied by a parent. Child must be present for offer.
March 18, 2011
We are paired up with Mrs. Riley's 3rd class. We will be their "FCAT buddy" during this testing period. I think it would be fun to do something supportive and encouraging for them every day of testing.
I will need your help with donating items and maybe even coming up with some cute slogans to send their way. Some ideas I've used in the past include:
"Stay COOL through testing."- send peppermints
"You're a smart COOKIE"- send a small bag of cookies to enjoy afterward
"Be a STAR and BURST through the test!"- Send some starburst candies
"You're SHARP!"- send cute pencils
I would love some input from my creative parents out there! If you think of something cute, e-mail me your thoughts.
I also like to end the week with Popsicles that both our class and Mrs. Riley's class will enjoy together.
If you have a neat idea or would be able to help out in some way, please let me know. I'll be finalizing things after break.
Scholastic Book Club
Let me know if you have questions!
March 17, 2011
Symphony Under the Stars
March 14, 2011
Field Trip
St. Patricks Day
If your child would like to participate, there are really no rules. Traps need to be brought in on Wednesday, March 16 and left over night in hopes of catching a leprechaun. I will allow for students to explain their traps on St. Patrick's Day if they participated.
This is not a mandatory assignment, just something fun a lot of the first grade classes enlist the children to do.
Have fun and may you have the luck o' the Irish!
March 10, 2011
This is a great time of year to begin building some independence in your child. They should be able to copy their own book titles on their reading long. You may need to assist with the author's name.
In addition to writing their own books, they should be able to do their homework pretty independently and be responsible to pack and un-pack their backpacks in the evening and morning. This is a great and simple way to prepare them for 2nd grade!
Mark Your Calendars
It is never too soon to start letting you know that during the two weeks of FCAT testing (April 11th through April 20th ) the entire campus will be on Quiet Time from 9:00 am till 11:00 am.
The entire campus will be on Quiet Time. This includes volunteering in the classroom and eating lunch with your child. It seems that we should not be affected by lunch time, just be mindful that students will get extended time to test and these students will more than likely be located in the main hallway of the school.
We are paired up with Mrs. Riley's 3rd grade class during that FCAT testing period. During this time, our class will be doing little things to encourage her students during the exhausting testing period. I will be requesting the help of parents with a few items such as cookies, Popsicles, pencils, etc... which will be gifts from us to them! I will let you know in a future e-mail the exact items.