December 4, 2010

STAR Student

This week I began something called STAR student. Each week, a different child will have the opportunity to share about various aspects of their life. Different days will require them to share different things. Your child's week would go something like this:

Monday- share about your family/pets
Tuesday- share your favorite hobby (or a sport you participate in)
Wednesday- share something unique
Thursday- share your favorite book
Friday- share your favorite toy

Students will be encouraged to share whatever they would like pertaining to that topic. I encourage you to send in pictures and props to go along with their talks. They will have approximately 10 minutes to talk to the other children and answer questions at the end of each day.
The STAR for the upcoming week will be revealed on the preceding Friday. A note will be sent home detailing the expectations for being STAR student.

In addition to getting to share about themselves, students will also take home a small back pack containing various items including a STAR student bear and journal. Students will be expected to take good care of our bear and make at least one journal entry. They will not be limited on the number of pages they can use, so the more they have to say, the better!

I was the STAR last week to model for the students. I'm sure they can share some stats on my family, hobbies, and what I liked to do as a first grader! Our STAR for the upcoming week will be Emma.

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