September 11, 2010

Accelerated Reader (AR)

A Renaissance Home-Connect Letter went home with your child on Friday. This is part of our AR program. I will be sending home a more detailed letter about AR next week after the students have had the chance to take the STAR test in the computer lab. This test allows me to get a better idea of what level of books your child should be checking out from the library.

After a child reads their library book and it is written in their reading log, they can take a 5-10 question quiz on the computer to assess their comprehension of the story. I (or a parent volunteer) will write their score in the "AR SCORE" column on their reading log. This will help you to know how they did. You can also follow the directions on the Home-Connect letter to get e-mail updates on their progress.

If a child gets an 80% or better, they get to fill out a little slip of paper that goes into a school-wide drawing at the end of the week. If their name is drawn, they get it announced on our morning news show. We've already had one (congrats Charlotte!).
In addition to that incentive, our wonderful PTA holds an AR store three times per year where the children can spend the points they earn for doing well on tests to buy little toys.

If you still have additional questions about this program, please let me know after the letter goes home next week.

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