August 27, 2010

Traffic Pattern Monday 30 and Tuesday 31


With good news sometimes comes bad (or should I say inconvenient) news: The district has agreed to install an additional 50 parking spaces (that’s the good news). The inconvenient news is that it takes two days to do so. That means that the traffic flow in the morning and the afternoon will be interrupted by construction. Specifically, when entering the drive-through (on the east side of the campus) both lanes will immediately become one lane for a short distance (we are adding three or four new spaces in that location). Then when you exit the campus, there will only be one lane to exit (we are adding about 10 new spaces on the right side).

Hopefully when that is completed, they will immediately begin paving the dirt area near the back field and then they are going to pave half of the area behind the two story building. Our goal is to always help the traffic and make the traffic flow better.

So, please be patient with the construction as well as the interrupted flow of traffic. Again, sorry for the inconvenience.

Christopher E. Begley
Principal - Loretto Elementary

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