December 17, 2014

Character Education

Our November character trait was Patriotism.  Ayden was our character student because he is always so respectful when we say the pledge in our class.  He is also a great school citizen!

December's character trait was kindness.  This was a tough one to pick!  After much consideration, I chose Adiola as our character student.  She is always so eager to work with any classmate I assign to her and takes the initiative to help other students at her table.  We are lucky to have her as a member of our class.

December 16, 2014

Gingerbread Men

The children had the opportunity to do a gingerbread glyph. That is when students answer questions and they decorate the item (gingerbread man) based on their answer. For example the number of buttons they glued was determined after answering "how many cookies do you eat for a snack?". More buttons means more cookies :-)

December 15, 2014


We have learned there are three kinds of soil: clay, hummus, and sand. The students collected soil on homemade microscope strips and enjoyed a little edible soil (pudding, Oreo, and Graham cracker crumbs).

December 5, 2014

Progress Reports

Our 2nd nine-weeks is half way over!  Progress reports went home today to let you know how your child is doing in Language Arts, Math, and Behavior.  Please sign and return immediately so I know you saw the report.  If you have additional questions or concerns, you may write a note directly on the progress report or just e-mail me.