November 25, 2014

Sunshine Math

Students who complete Sunshine Math papers are put into a drawing for gift cards occasionally. Adiola was the most recent winner. Great job!

THANKS acrostic poem

Turkey Centerpiece

Scarecrow story elements

We read a story called "Happy Thanksgiving!". Students were asked to pick a favorite character, name the main character, and write where the setting was.

November 17, 2014


Due to an error on my part spelling words will be the same as last week. I was a week ahead and the kids received 10 new words instead of 5 last week. As a reminder there will be no spelling homework next week. I will be sending a fall book report for students to work on over the break. Those who return the completed packet will receive a special prize.

November 14, 2014

Picture sort

Students learned about r-blends this week. One group worked on sorting pictures into the right r-blend category.

November 6, 2014

Book Fair

The Book Fair is coming!  The Book Fair is coming!
Our annual fall book fair will begin on Wednesday, November 12.  The hours of the book fair are usually during the school day (8:45-2:30).  There will be one family night where you can come shop after school ends.  This will take place on Tuesday, November 18. 
Our class will be visiting the book sale on Wednesday, November 19 at 1:00.  I encourage you to come shop with your child if you are able.  This time slot will be immediately after lunch and right before early release dismissal.  We will come back to the classroom afterward to pack up, but you will be able to take your child home after that.

Character Student

Our character trait for the month of October was cooperation.  Ana is our stand out student for this month.  She works well in groups and is always offering to lend a hand to others.  I can count on Ana to be following directions the FIRST time they are asked.  Ana's cooperation helps our classroom to run more smoothly.  Great job Ana!

November 1, 2014

November Book-It Reading Goal

We had 15 students make their book-it goal for the month of October!  Certificates were stapled in folders on Friday. 
The Book-It reading goal for the month of November will remain 20 books. 

Looking for more books to read?  Try out the tab at the top of our class web page labeled "Books Online".  There are several FREE sites to choose from where you child can read a variety of books. 

Although it is SO important to read to your child, I will begin only rewarding students for books THEY read.  Thanks for your help!

Charlotte's Web Day

A few of the fun projects we did on Friday.

Halloween Candy

Feeling a little overwhelmed with all of the candy your child collected for Halloween?  Consider donating some to our classroom!  I'm looking for individually wrapped pieces of candy to start a new candy bucket for students who are caught doing the right thing.  Thanks for you help!