November 26, 2013

Scholastic Book Orders

I've sent home Scholastic Book Club fliers for you to order books from.  Buying books make great gifts for the holidays!  There are some great buys, so take a look.

Orders can be placed online (highly recommended) by clicking the link above or you can send the order in to school and I will place the order for you. When you go online, you'll see many more catalogs available.  Feel free to order from whichever you like.

Your purchase helps earn points for our classroom which will go towards more books and other materials for our room. 

All orders are due no later than Friday, December 6. 
Thank you in advance!

Disguise a turkey

Can you find the turkeys in this picture?

November 12, 2013

Thanksgiving food drive

It is time for our annual Food Drive-which directly assists families in our Loretto community and the Mandarin Food Bank.

Please bring non-perishable food items to school. Items that are cooked at Thanksgiving meals are particularly welcome.

All donations must be received by November 22nd.