October 13, 2013


Extra applications are in the front office for parents interested in having their child participate in the Ident-A-Kid program.   
If you or any parents have questions, please feel free to contact either one of us.  Please let us know if you need more applications.  
Ident-A-Kid wants to be the solution for all your safety needs along with our Campus Visitor Management System and Notification Parent Alert.  For more information, please visit our websites at www.identakid.com or http://www.ccssvm.com.
Again, thank you for your time and support to Ident-A-Kid Services of America.  We look forward to seeing you soon.
Leslea D. Amidon                        Debby Boote
Program Director                         Consultant
904-635-9690                              904-707-3936

October 10, 2013

Boosterthon Fun Run

It was so great seeing the kids the other day. They did an awesome job learning about good sportsmanship throughout the week. Wow! Can they run!  Despite the dreary weather, everyone had a great time. Thanks to all who pledged money.

October 2, 2013


The Boosterthon Fun Run kicked off Monday with a thrilling Pep Rally and I am super excited about this year’s program. The Boosterthon Fun Run program involves all students in a fun, team building, fitness event while helping our school raise much-needed funds.  The central focus of this year’s character program is FRIENDSHIP. This year’s character theme is CAMP HIGH FIVE, and the Booster Team will take students on a fun-filled journey teaching them the importance of friendship. 
Here’s how you can help:
1)  LOG ON to your student’s website at www.FunRun.com using your student’s access code on the Pledge Book that cam home with them today.  Log on each night to watch the Camp High Five character and music videos, and enter pledge information.
2)  GET PLEDGES by connecting your student with 10 sponsors. The new funrun.com has many ways to use social media in the pledging process and pay online. Be sure to capture and record the e-mail address of each sponsor, as they will have an easy opportunity to pay for your student’s pledge by credit card online.
3)  COME TO THE BOOSTERTHON FUN RUN NEXT WEEK! Remember, students will be running 30-35 laps and we would love to have lots of support for our team!
Thank you for supporting our classroom and our school!
I’ll see you next week at the Boosterthon Fun Run!

Red Ribbon Week

Here are the themes for Red Ribbon Week:

Monday, October 21st — “Stick Together Against Drugs!!!” (Wear your favorite sports team jersey or school t-shirt)

Tuesday, October 22nd— “Turn Your Back On Drugs!!!” (Wear something backwards)

Wednesday, October 23rd — “Sock” it to drugs!!!” (Wear crazy socks)

Thursday, October 24th— “Get ”Red”dy to say NO to drugs!!!” (Wear RED—as much as you can)